Oventus assists Canadian first responders with sleep apnea

This article covers recent media coverage on how Oventus and its sleep partners are helping first responders in Canada suffering with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) during COVID-19.

Firefighters in Toronto have been told not to use their CPAP machines at work due to concerns it may contribute to the spread of the virus – read more by clicking HERE.

Over recent weeks, data has emerged that CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) – the current standard of care for OSA – may contribute to COVID-19 spread, with the American Academy of Sleep Medicine1,2 saying CPAP may contribute to spread through the distribution of respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

But thanks to Denturist Patrick Strong, at the Strong Denture and Snoring Clinic in Toronto and Dr Sat Sharma, Medical Director of the Centre for Sleep and Chronobiology, these first response workers are now accessing O2Vent Optima® oral appliances to treat their sleep apnea.

Dr Strong talks about the initiative in an interview with a local Toronto news outlet, Blackburnnews.com – read more by clicking HERE.

He also speaks more broadly about the supply of Oventus devices in a radio interview on The Dan McDonald Show. In the interview, he discusses:

  • How CPAP could contribute to the spread of COVID-19
  • How he is providing O2Vent Optima to these responders in a safe and efficient manner, due to Oventus’ lab in lab model and telehealth initiatives
  • The benefits of the O2Vent Optima, with Dr Strong saying it is as effective as CPAP and in 27 years of treating sleep, he has “never seen an appliance like this”.

To listen to the interview, click HERE.

More coverage is expected as this initiative expands across the greater Toronto area.

1 https://aasm.org/coronavirus-covid-19-faqs-cpap-sleep-apnea-patients/

2 http://sleepeducation.org/news/2020/04/03/sleep-doctor-answers-questions-about-covid-19-and-sleep

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